Monkey Bite stole/モンキーバイト ストール
ZARA Men's sweater, short denim, suede handbag/ ザラ メンズセーター、ショートデニム、スエードバッグ
LAURA boots/ラウラブーツ
I've been using stoles so much often these days. (I'm sorry I only have a few of them for now. Most clothes are still in my house in Japan). I kind of just noticed how useful they are to keep me comfortably warm without perspiring in the Autumn sun.
It's fun to find cute colored/designed clothes in Men's wear section sometime and I found this pink knitted sweater at ZARA earlier this year. So I never fail to check out Men's wear whenever I "browse" shops.
Love this outfit! I like all the colours!
Thanks so much Lorna! I just checked out your blog and it looks so lovely ;)