Like a Polo player

ZARA TRF sweater
UNIQLO blazer, legging-pants
MANGO bowling handbag
Buffalo boots

Wearing a sweater and a blazer at once was kind of new try for me but I think this came out good :) Sometime I avoid wearing a jacket to show off the whole outfit even when it's pretty cold outside. No way to know how many people on the street ever look at me (my outfit) and like it, but I feel more comfortable when all my clothes are shown off and not being hidden by a thick, long coat.. When it finally reaches 2°c or 3°c in the day time, I'd give up and wear a jacket :P 
If I ever put a helmet on for this outfit, isn't it going to be like a Polo player? Which is why I titled it for this time :) Hope you like it! 

セーターとブレザーをセットで着てみた。着てる服をコートで隠すのがもったいないから冬にブレザーコーデが増えるんだよね。せっかくいい生地のパンツやニットを着てるのに分厚いロングコートで隠したらなんだか損な気がして、そんなんでこの朝もジャケットなし。どれだけの人が私の服見て気に入ってくれるかなんて知る術もないけど、一人でも自分のコーディネートでインスパイアされたら嬉しいよね。さすがに日中も2度や3度になったら諦めるけどね :P 


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