Last Sunday we celebrated Easter as everyone else.
You see rabbits and eggs when it comes to Easter.
Although I'd been always wondering why eggs and rabbits should be appearing for the season, I couldn't help asking people the reason since I came to Germany and got to experience it.
This time it was the first time that I searched for easter tradition because I couldn't get any convincing answers from anyone and Jan didn't also know it.
It can be the same thing that I can't answer every single thing of events related to Shinto and Buddhism. (I even belong to neither Shinto nor Buddhism.)
First of all, do you know why they call it Easter? It doesn't derive from a point of the compass but from an old story that in time of Spring, ancient European had presented and worshiped goddess Ostera (also called Easter: Easter is called "Ostern" in German).
Chocolate eggs and colored eggs are very popular for easter and you can find many tables with eggs on it or decorated with eggs.
In the morning parents are hiding colored eggs and sweets in the gardens or homes and children have to search for them. Parents are telling their kids that the " Easter Rabbit " came and hide the eggs and sweets. Its like the fairy tail of Santa Claus.
But the story of the Easter Rabbit comes from the ancient german time. The fairy tale says that a grandma was hiding easter eggs in the garden and there was a rabbit at the same time.
The kids saw the rabbit and thought that the rabbit is hiding the eggs.
Because of that fairy tale the story of the Easter Rabbit came up and is still popular with young children.
A common dish for easter lunch is lamb. The reason for eating lamb is that a lamb has always been characterized as symbol of pureness and innocence of Jesus for many years. In the old Testament you find the story that the ancient christians and jewish killed and worshiped the lamb and served the meat on the day after he came back from the death.
For many people nowadays the lamb isn't so popular anymore for easter but for greek orthodox for example it still means a lot for them to worship a lamb for the third day of easter.
I find it's a bit funny that even though the lamb is regarded as Jesus people still eat it.
まず"イースター"という名前です。Easterだから方角の東が関係あるのかというとそうではなく春の訪れるこの季節に、古代ヨーロッパ人は女神Ostera (Easterとも言う:ドイツ語でイースターはOstern)を崇め奉ったことに始まります。
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At Jan's parents
This time Jan's mom made it all by herself.
She used an old Greek Easter recipe.
I didn't get to see the recipe she used but I found a similar one to share with you (recipe in German).
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