I'm going to write down the reason I couldn't make any posts after Jan's birthday in January before I forget.
On 22nd, January, he flew back home from Japan and we enjoyed nice dinner. I gave him a herbal cold medicine as he's gotten a sore throat from the flight.
Next morning, though I told him that it could be worse if he'd go for shopping, he continued "I'm fine, we can go shopping" and we decided to go to a super market and finished some shopping.
Around 5pm, on the 23rd, he was sitting on the sofa and looked sickly dull.
He went straight to bed without having dinner.
That's why I told you.
In such an evening, it reminds me of the nightmare that I got after celebration of 1 year wedding anniversary in November 2013. lol
Telling me that he feels a little better, he went to toilet in a few minutes.
He came out of bed to the toilet again in 30 minutes, and again in 15 minutes or so.
And his stomach pain started to get throbbing gradually.
This looked so similar to the symptoms that I had before.
His rush to the toilet has gotten more frequently like every 10 minutes or less and I thought of making sport drink from granules Aquarius packs in a pot which my mom sent me before and a hot water bottle.
"It seems to be a long night." .. I thought. I kept rubbing his rounded back holding the hot water bottle.
I know he was having a bad diarrhea and strong stomach pain, but I continued to force him to drink the Aquarius. I couldn't let him have dehydration later.
1am….2am….3am…. Clocks sounded louder than usual.
As he apparently had gastroenteritis, I did a thorough cleaning in the toilet with a mask and disposable gloves on several times.
When I was about to end cleaning up the floor, Jan was standing in a semi-crouching position holding a hot-water bottle in front of the door and said "Meg…. I need to go again "with a pale face.
"ok, I'm done" I stepped back. Then immediately baaaarrrrrffff….
ok. spewed up on the lid of toilet seat. lol But it was almost water because he didn't have dinner and ate only 2 slices of bread for lunch.
"Open it. open the lid." I said and made him drop on his knees while rubbing his back.
He was still trying to clean it up by tearing the papers even though it wasn't the time to do that lol
"Ah…I'm fine now". After washing his mouth, he went back to bed and I did again a cleanup.
Looked up the clock. It was almost 5am.
He had then the medicine for stomach pain which worked well when I had one before in November, and I finally went to bed .
Good night for now for 2 hours.. we decided to go to internal medicine next morning . . Zzz ..
「蓋!開けて開けて! はい、膝ついて」とじょんを便器の前に座らし、背中をさする私。吐いてヤバいのにちゃんとトイレットペーパーで拭いてるじょん。。
Short nap… it was already 7am. We changed clothes and hurried up to the doctor.
The medicine apparently worked well for him and the stomach pain subsided. I didn't have the driver's license at that time and I couldn't help him anything but I was his company.
The doctor meant that Jan got some fungus on board that caused a strong stomach pain and diarrhea.
You can get affected by this kind of gastroenteritis in this Winter season when your immunity goes down.
Well it happens… I actually get nervous in every Winter season because of it..
He was allowed to continue taking the medicine for stomachache and 3 days off from work.
After returning home, he put pajamas on and laid down again.
Men always try to back to work once they feel better again even though it can definitely get worse or keep it tough for themselves from doing anything.. We ladies have to keep eyes on them ;)
I refilled Aquarius, made some more Rice-gruel and a hot water bottle. Put a mask on him.
He started to eat at the evening and appetite came back. I was relieved and thought I can finally sleep..
This is the day 24th.
In midnight on 25th.. though I thought I could sleep…
Jan started to have cold symptoms.. runny nose.. blowing his nose…using a nasal spray..and some coughs.
Thankfully though, he could eat normally again and we only needed to beat a cold.
He stayed all day in the bed room to rest as much as possible while I went shopping and did housework . This was all about the day.
It became a midnight again.
On 26th.
The same cold symptoms kept us awake all night, and I gave up on trying to sleep and came out of bed at 4am to make Sushi. This is the article ☞ Sushi Party
夜中から朝方までじょんの同じ風邪の症状で私も寝付けず、4時にベッドから出て寿司を作ったわけです(笑) 記事はこちら☞ 寿司パーティー
After 5am Jan came out of the bed room holing the hot water bottle and said
"I'm sorry babe…. :-("with a face like a dog being scolded lol (I wasn't mad!)
"I think I should sleep in this room." he brought blankets to a small room for guests and closed the door.
While making sushi, I could hear his cough and tell he couldn't sleep at all. So I put a Hokunalin tape on his arm that works for bronchitis and other asthmatic symptoms as the last option to beat it.
And cough stopped!
As the patch worked so fast that I was anxious for him if he's dead (lol), I opened the door a couple of time to make sure he's still breathing. lolll
He slept straight until 11:00 and told me that he feels better and better, we didn't put the sushi party off and enjoyed it.
As I wrote when I got the (possibly) gastroenteritis before, they buy original Coca Cola for gastroenteritis in Germany (maybe in other European countries too?). Not Diet Coke, only red one. ☆
Some ingredients that only red coke has work for gastroenteritis and it's common here that this coke is stored in the fridge when you're in trouble. (Try it!)
This is what I got this time.
I don't know about other Western countries, but in Germany you can buy coke bottles with name on it.
Jan's name is Jan-Christoph, and I happened to see Christoph one on the front row in the shelf at a grocery store, I decided to make him smile with it. :)
If you can't find your name, you can tell Coca Cola and get one with your name on it.
じょんは本名ヤン- クリストフ(Jan-Christoph)で、ちょうどクリストフのボトルが売ってたので買いました笑
And these are tea series made from natural herbs.
This time I got a tea works for the stomach and intestines.
On each packages, you can see all herbs, flowers, and spices that are drawn and used for the tea.
By the way, a tea that I must to have in this cold season is one that's good for cystitis I often get.
When I'm not careful enough to keep myself warm and let my feet or waist get cold, I can immediately feel that I might get cystitis and drink this tea for a couple of days. and baaaang, it's gone.
Other than that, they have ones for cough & bronchitis, headache, cold (sore throat, fever), relax, sleep, nerve, and so on like in this picture below.
It costs more or less 1,50 bucks and 5 to 8 bags in a box. Fortunately they sold only 99 cents for a box when I was there this time.
With the herbal teas, it makes it for you easier to recover without relying on medicine.
Nothing bad happened to Jan during the Sushi party and we enjoyed a movie (Into the Blue) on the sofa..such a relaxing time.
Before we went to sleep,
"………?? something's wrong with my stomach" I felt something..
His cold now passed on me.
My physical condition went down like it ever waited but luckily I only had cold symptoms like runny nose and a slight fever that lasted for 5 days (!).
Since the next day, 27th, I stayed in the bed room and he flew to Japan on 28th.
If you yourself get sick or your kids get sick, you can be absent from work and don't need to fly but your spouse's sickness can't be an acceptable reason to have a day off.
But I was relieved that I didn't get as sick as I was worried.
This is how February began..
Please take a good care of yourself not to get sick! Make sure to wash your hands with soap and gargle after you come back home :)
。。。。ん?? お腹の調子が…
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