On 13th, I turned 25 years old.
I've lived a quarter of a century..lol I still remember when I first entered and came to work as a freshman, my coworkers were surprised how young I was as I was the youngest girl and said "new generation". lol
As it was again a celebration, we came to Roter Hahn. Although we don't come here as much as we'd like to because it's a three-star restaurant and hotel, there's always a nice ambience and you can enjoy good German dish.
Every time the waiter comes to the table, he calls us by name, that makes us feel even more special. :)
We came here also for 1st Wedding anniversary.
今回もお祝いということで来たレストランはRoter Hahn (読みはローターハーンで意味は赤い雄鶏(おんどり))。三ツ星ホテル・レストランなのでファミレス感覚で来れる場所ではありませんが、落ち着いてていい雰囲気です。いただける食事はドイツ料理。
We came in with the intention of having an a la carte menu, but on that day they also had dinner buffet. So we decided to have it.
Everything looked so delicious…and of course, I was going to take some photos of it because I wanted to share them with you. :D
I asked the cook who cooks directly in the middle of buffet tables if I am allowed to take photos, and he kindly said ok.
"Why don't you join me?" he asked Jan. And then I came to join these 2 guys and a waitress who just walked by ended up taking a photo of us. lol This is how it turned out. hahah
As you see, appetizer, salad, meat, stew, fried vegetables, soup, ice creams, baguettes were served and it made it hard to choose which to take. I ended up like a kid in a candy store.
Seriously, good.
We stayed here almost 2 hours. It was such a nice birthday dinner.
Always the best service and dish promised and they won't ever disappoint you.
I'd like to bring my family here when they have a chance to come to Germany again. (← who pays for it?)
Before we went to the restaurant in the evening, my birthday was earlier celebrated by Jan's parents.
With my handmade cake and some coffee ☆
Here are presents from Jan and his parents.
From his parents, I was allowed to buy whatever I wish with their money, I've gotten a short-sleeve knit, a long-sleeve shirt with a detail, the colorful scarf, and a bag. Plus 6 glasses of 125th Coca Cola anniversary with a bottle of Cola light. :D
And from Jan, I got GODIVA JAPAN chocolates and moussy's spring/summer short pants.
They look so good!
I'll be definitely wearing them!
じょんの両親からは、欲しいものを買っていいわよ、ということでZARAで一着春に着るニットとデティール付きの白の長袖、春夏にピッタリなショールにバッグを買ってもらいました。それの125周年記念のコカコーラオリジナルグラス6個におまけのコーラ ライト。
じょんからはGODIVA JAPANのチョコ(バレンタインデーも兼?)とmoussyの薄手のショートパンツ。
This time I made a chiffon dough for the cake and it turned the best dough EVAAAA I've made till today.
I still need to practice to make better cakes but it's gotten a good height and didn't shrink after coming out of oven at all. I'm satisfied with that.
I laid mixed berries like strawberry, cherry, blueberry, currant, raspberry, etc, that made a perfect match of sweet whipped cream and nicely sour berries.
It made them have a second helping ;)
I'm going to make this when I return Japan for my mom!
充実の一年にしたいと思います。今後も私のブログをよろしくお願いします :)
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