I had an avocado, a half lemon, a small tomato, and a small onion in the fridge.
And I got a feeling that I am in need of making Guacamole. ..lol
I didn't have red onion and coriander on that day but it was nearly perfect.
With the guacamole, I made hamburgers for dinner. Jan was happy, and so was I :D
I used 100% ground beef, onion, and some spices for the patties. Ohh yum yum yum..
Since that day, I've gotten kind of addicted with making guacamole and made it again the next week.
これを挟んでその日の夕飯にハンバーガー作りましたー! じょんはハッピーでございます。
Recipe レシピ☟☟☟☟☟
Easy Guacamole 簡単グアカモーレ
2 or 3 potion 2、3人分
1 Avocado, cut in dice
½ Tomato, cut in dice
¼ Red Onion, finely chopped
½ Lemon or Lime
1clove Garlic, finely chopped
Cayenne pepper (option), to your liking
3 or 4 branches Corianders, to your liking
Fresh ground black pepper, to taste
Salt, to taste
1個 アボカド, 1cm大に切る
½ 大トマト , 1cm大に切る
¼個 紫タマネギ, みじん切り
½個 レモンかライム
1片 にんにく, みじん切り
適量 カイエンペッパー(お好みで)
3、4本分 パクチー(お好みで)
適量 塩
① In a small bow, mix all ingredients except salt. Drizzle lemon juice alllll over it.
Smash avocados with a large fork and mix them all well.
② Add some salt to taste. Done. It should be eaten till the next day.
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