Quick Crispy Churros. 簡単カリッもちっチュロス

Found out I'd been wanting deep-fried, hot, crispy, cinnamon sugar coated Churros. Exactly this. To satisfy my sugar-desire, I sneak into the kitchen, open nutella lid, and enjoy 1 tablespoon full of chocolate bomb. But it actually doesn't satisfy my desire...but unfortunately I'm out of fruits and even nutella. How sad. I started to brows Japanese food recipe site and came up with making churros. Why the hell didn't I think of it? I didn't know how easy and quick to make them. The worst part is only after frying when it comes to cleaning all these mess in the kitchen. but that's a price of delicious snack :)

55g Bread flour (強力粉 55g)
80g All-purpose flour (薄力粉 80g) 
1/2 cup/ 100ml Milk (牛乳 100ml)
1/4 cup/ 50ml Water (水 50ml)
1/8 cup/ 25g Butter (バター 25g) 
1 Medium Egg, beaten (卵 M1個、溶く) 
Vanilla extract (バニラエッセンス 少々) 
Cinnamon & Granulated sugar (シナモン・グラニュー糖 適量)
Sunflower oil (揚げ油) 

No Knead Bread. Moist, rich, flavorful. 捏ねないパン

I've been baking breads.  We found it tastes better, is more flavorful, nicer texture than grocery breads that are already dried out and get quite hard in a couple of days. Last weekend I baked 2nd no knead bread for John (I eat rice these days). Baking bread is my new discovery last 2 months. How happy it makes me as it is freshly hot out of oven. The smell has been loved through the ages and never changed. And it always brings us a smile. I love a moment I put the knife down through the bread and rich, moist, puffy dough shows up with a little left steam. No nutella, no sugar-flooded jam required. I like to enjoy the new baby loaf simply with a butter. Do you like it too? You're my friend.
I keep trying to make better breads, cakes, cookies, and of course meals.

This video from Kitchen Vignettes helps. ビデオ観ると全体の流れがわかるよ。
3 cups All-purpose flour (薄力粉 600g)
1 tsp/5g Dry yeast (ドライイースト5g)
1 tsp Salt (塩 小さじ1弱)
2 cups to 2.5 cups/400~450ml Water (水 400~450ml), depends on how dry it still is. I put 450ml total.

1: Roughly mix all ingredients together. The dough will be wet and quite sticky than regular bread dough. Cover and let sit between 18 to 24 hours.

簡単に全ての材料をボウルの中で混ぜる。普通のパン生地よりかなり手にくっつくけど、ビデオ観てわかるように、問題なし! 18時間から24時間ラップをした状態で放置。私はいつも18時間。お昼に作れば翌朝焼きたてが食べられる。

2: On the floured surface, bring the dough out of the bowl and fold a couple of times *NO KNEAD*.
Bring back it onto the bowl, cover and let sit for another 2 hours.


3: Preheat oven to 230℃ (450°F). Put a lidded dutch oven / cast iron pot in the oven for about 15 minutes before starting to bake.
Remove from the oven and sprinkle flour or cornmeal in the pot to prevent the bread from sticking.


4: Dump your dough in there and immediately put the lid on.
Bake for 30 minutes. Remove the lid. Bake for another 15 minutes. Let the bread sit for an hour before cutting into it.



Avocado & Tomatoes' Cold Spaghetti. アボカドとトマトの冷製パスタ

1 large Tomato, cut into dice (トマト 大1個 角切り)
1 Avocado (アボカド 1個)
2 cloves Garlic, minced  (にんにく 2片 みじん切り)
1 tsp fresh Lemon juice (レモン汁 小さじ1)
5 Tbsp extra virgin Olive oil (エキストラバージンオリーブオイル 大さじ5)
200g Spaghetti (パスタ 200g)
Salt & freshly ground Black petter to taste (塩 & 粗挽き黒胡椒 少々)


Baked Onion Rings. クリスピー ノンフライオニオンリング

My first onion rings that would never change. One day I found the recipe looking for healthy side-dish snack and these non-fried ridiculously crispy onion rings caught me. I wonder  why didn't I come up with them until today? The step you need to go is very simple and easy. Just flour onions, dip in egg,  cover with bread crumbs, and bake in the oven. Why would you go deep, oily, high calorie-fries even though they're damn good? And they're clean. You just need to waste the cookie sheet while wiping off splashed oil and glossy wall by stoves are required as you fry them.
Please try these onion rings. You'll like it. You go bake another set of onions because it's addictive.

1 medium yellow Onion (玉ねぎ1個)
1/2 cup All Purpose Flour (薄力粉 100g)
1/2 cup whole wheat Bread Crumbs (パン粉 100g)
2 Eggs (溶き卵 2個)


1 Hour till Eat. Soft milk loaf 簡単しっとりソフトミルクパン

The quickest soft bread I've baked. Slightly sweetened by milk, richened by butter, and all flavor is contrasted with salt. Don't tell your family how easy to make this bread is, and you could keep your label of good bakery :)
With this bread, I made french toast that was amazing! I'll upload the recipe within next few posts :)

Makes 1 Poundcake pan パウンドケーキ型1個分
200g Bread flour (強力粉)
2 Tablespoons/ 30g Butter (バター 30g)
2 Tablespoons Sugar (砂糖大さじ2) I used brown sugar. Tastes good! 私はブラウンシュガー使用。これもおいしい!
1 pinch Salt (塩 ひとつまみ)
130ml Milk (牛乳 130ml)
2 teaspoons/ 7g dried Yeast (ドライイースト 小さじ2)


Japanese Home: Fish with sweet vinegar sauce ポン酢でおいしい 白身魚の甘酢かけ

What do you think about Japanese homemade cooking? Generally, we never make sushi at home (except their home is already sushi restaurant or sushi freak) and we don't eat Tempura as often as non-Japanese people think we do. We cook thousands of delicious dishes using fish, rice, vegetables, of course meat, seaweed, soy sauce, vinegar, more and more.
Especially sake, soy sauce, dashi are key to boost the deliciousness that each ingredient has, which means we don't need to add extra seasoning or oil. It helps you make it healthy, low calories and yet satisfying and delicious.
This fish dish should be one of these meals that satisfy you. It'd make you want white steamed rice and miso soup. Even you eat them all, the calories are less than regular meal set at McDonald's ;) You know which is healthier and doesn't make you fat.
Since I started to add more steamed rice at home lately, here in Germany, the appetite of wanting huge plates like fried chicken or sautéd pork, french fries, hamburgers, steak...has been completely gone.
And I've started to lose weight. But I know why. Rice has plenty of fibers, Vitamin, and original sweetness which complements the lack of it in the brain. Most importantly, it doesn't get you hungry for longer hours than when you have bread.
When you have steam rice with some side dish, try chewing 30 times on each bite.
As you may know, your brain starts to feel "stuffed" after 20 minutes since you start eating. When you're focusing on chewing 20 minutes go quickly and it'll make you automatically stop over-eating.
In 1 week, you'll start to get in even better shape.  Try once. You have to trust me :)
Enjoy this recipe for your dinner as a nice start :)

Serves 2 to 3
- 3 to 4 fillet white fish e.x. Codfish (白身魚 3~4 切れ) I used 4 fillet for John and me. They could shrink while cooking.
- Cornstarch for dusting (片栗粉 適量)
- Salt & black petter for seasoning (塩胡椒 適量)

  • 6 Tablespoons Apple vinegar, other vinegar works as well (酢 大さじ6)
  • 4 Tablespoons Soy sauce (醤油 大さじ4)
  • 5 teaspoons Sugar * Just spoonful* (砂糖 小さじ5)
  • 2 teaspoon Dashi powder (ほんだし 小さじ2弱)

OR 又は

  • 5 Tablespoons Ponzu (Japanese sauce made primarily of soy sauce and citrus juice) (ポン酢 大さじ5)
  • 1 Tablespoon Sugar

- 3~5 drops lemon juice (レモン汁数滴)
- Some kidney beans or green onion for topping (インゲン豆やネギなどトッピングに)


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