The quickest soft bread I've baked. Slightly sweetened by milk, richened by butter, and all flavor is contrasted with salt. Don't tell your family how easy to make this bread is, and you could keep your label of good bakery :)
With this bread, I made french toast that was amazing! I'll upload the recipe within next few posts :)
Makes 1 Poundcake pan パウンドケーキ型1個分
2 Tablespoons/ 30g Butter (バター 30g)
2 Tablespoons Sugar (砂糖大さじ2) I used brown sugar. Tastes good! 私はブラウンシュガー使用。これもおいしい!
1 pinch Salt (塩 ひとつまみ)
130ml Milk (牛乳 130ml)
2 teaspoons/ 7g dried Yeast (ドライイースト 小さじ2)
1: In a medium bowl, you have milk and butter. Microwave for 30 seconds or till butter melts.
Add in yeast, sugar, and salt and mix gently. Toss bread flour and mix with your hands for 5 min. If it's still very sticky, add a little more bread flour and knead for another few minutes.
2: Make a ball and give a cover (not air-tight) like tightly water squeezed handkerchief or wrap. Let it rest for 15 to 30 minutes at warm temperature.
3: After the rest, press the dough to let the gas out and divide into 2 to 4 mess. Rest again for 15 min.
Preheat oven at 180℃ (360°F).
They've got like baby's butt hehe
4: Bake in the oven for 5 to 10 minutes or until it gets nicely brown on the surface. You're done :)
With 1/2 amount ingredients. Made 2 rolls.
Full amount ingredients. With jam or nutella? :D
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