Avocado & Tomatoes' Cold Spaghetti. アボカドとトマトの冷製パスタ

1 large Tomato, cut into dice (トマト 大1個 角切り)
1 Avocado (アボカド 1個)
2 cloves Garlic, minced  (にんにく 2片 みじん切り)
1 tsp fresh Lemon juice (レモン汁 小さじ1)
5 Tbsp extra virgin Olive oil (エキストラバージンオリーブオイル 大さじ5)
200g Spaghetti (パスタ 200g)
Salt & freshly ground Black petter to taste (塩 & 粗挽き黒胡椒 少々)


1 In a large bowl, mix minced garlic, diced tomatoes, 5 Tablespoon olive oil, sprinkle teeeeny bit of salt and let it sit in the fridge.
*The longer the tomatoes soak in the garlic-olive oil, the more flavorful and delicious it gets. I recommend you to do this 1 hr before you start boiling spaghetti.*

大きめのボウルにオリーブオイル、みじん切りにしたにんにく、角切りにしたトマト、塩を加え、ラップして冷蔵庫へ。漬ける時間が長いほど美味しくなるから 時間があるときは早めに準備しておくのがオススメ!

2 Bring salted water to boil in a large pot, boil spaghetti 1 minute longer than the package direction. After boiling, ice spaghetti with cold cold water. Drain water.


3 Cut avocado into dice, toss into the tomato-garlic oil bowl, drop lemon juice and mix.

Toss cold spaghetti, mix evenly, gently. You don't want to smash the beauty of avocado :D 
Salt to taste. You can sprinkle ground black pepper on top. Serve immediately. 


Make it tonight.

nom nom nom..

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