Quick Crispy Churros. 簡単カリッもちっチュロス

Found out I'd been wanting deep-fried, hot, crispy, cinnamon sugar coated Churros. Exactly this. To satisfy my sugar-desire, I sneak into the kitchen, open nutella lid, and enjoy 1 tablespoon full of chocolate bomb. But it actually doesn't satisfy my desire...but unfortunately I'm out of fruits and even nutella. How sad. I started to brows Japanese food recipe site and came up with making churros. Why the hell didn't I think of it? I didn't know how easy and quick to make them. The worst part is only after frying when it comes to cleaning all these mess in the kitchen. but that's a price of delicious snack :)

55g Bread flour (強力粉 55g)
80g All-purpose flour (薄力粉 80g) 
1/2 cup/ 100ml Milk (牛乳 100ml)
1/4 cup/ 50ml Water (水 50ml)
1/8 cup/ 25g Butter (バター 25g) 
1 Medium Egg, beaten (卵 M1個、溶く) 
Vanilla extract (バニラエッセンス 少々) 
Cinnamon & Granulated sugar (シナモン・グラニュー糖 適量)
Sunflower oil (揚げ油) 

  • Sift bread flour and all-purpose flour in a medium bowl. 
  • Spread cookie sheet on the table for piping the dough. Half length of oven plate is good enough. 
  • Pour sunflower oil in a medium deep pan, set aside. 

1: In a medium pot, slowly bring to boil milk, water, and butter at low heat. When boil, toss sifted bread & all-purpose flour at once, stir vigorously with a wodden spoon or spatula till incorporated, turn off heat. 


2: Transfer the dough into a medium bowl, sprinkle beaten egg at 2 to 3 times separately while kneading it with hands until no clumps left. Give drops of vanilla extract. 


3: Pipe the batter onto the cookie sheet OR directly into the hot oil and cut with a scissor. Heat the sunflower oil to 180℃ (350°F). Do not put dough while it's still not hot enough: gets just oily. 


I'll buy better pastry bag "cap"..

4: Fry churros cookie sheet side up, remove the sheet when it's automatically apart from churros. Fry until golden brown. Remove them from the oil and roll them into cinnamon & sugar. 
Serve immediately.

 揚げ油にクッキングシートを上にした状態で入れて、剥がれるようになったら剥がす。こんがり焼き色がついたら油から出し、粗熱がとれたら シナモンシュガーの上で転がして♫ 
 getting browwwwwnnn
crispy crispy crispy... 

At the balcony in the sun. バルコニーで。



  1. Oh my god I almost screamed when I saw this! I love churros! so perfect with chocolate shots and ice cream! xoxo
    Yes I'm a foodie at heart and your blog is totally feeding my food porn addiction <3
    would you like to follow each other?

    1. Thanks Anthea! I made these churros for the first time here but it turned so good! I love cooking and eating :)
      Sure I follow you.

  2. I love churros ! <3
    followed ur blog already;) thanks for following mine too :)

    Journal J

    1. Thanks a lot for checking my blog Julian! I love your outfits. I follow you back ^ ^

  3. omg this one is really looks delicious!! wanna try some :D
    thanks for sharing the recipe. by the way i'm following you now. :)

    cheers, Jessica

    1. Thanks for your comment Jessica! These Churros turned so crispy and just perfect! I ate them all.. ;)
      I follow you back xx

  4. I love love loveee
    churros, even I only
    ate it once.

    Thanks for the recipe,
    I will it one day c:

    ♥ xx

    1. Thanks girl, I ate them all too lol They're perfect treat for snack time :)
      I keep posting recipes.

  5. I LOVELOVELOVE Churros!!
    Thanks for the recipe.

    Love, Joyce

    1. I love how they came out! so delicious and easy to make. Thanks for checking out my blog Joyce :)

  6. I'm following your blog... Follower number 33
    You have got such a nice food blog..
    The food looks tempting and delicious.. Yummy...
    I love sweet food too :)



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