Picnic in Großer Feldberg (Taunus) フェルトベルグ(タウノス)でピクニック

It's gotten a bit later to post but in the beginning of this month, on 9th. Sunday, Jan and I went to a mountain in Taunus district to go on a picnic. I made sandwiches for lunch too :)
The mountain, called Feldberg, is about ±40 minutes away by a car from our house and has highest altitude (878M) in Hochtaunuskreis (=Tunus) district.
At the top of Feldberg, there is an observation platform and you can enjoy beautiful scenery from a terrestrial telescope over Frankfurt city, the airport and runways, and Rhein-Main district.

投稿が遅くなりましたが、今月初めの9日(日曜日)にTaunus (タウノス)地区にある山まで行ってピクニックしてきました。サンドイッチも作って春を堪能です。
878Mの標高で、この辺りの山では一番高いものになります。頂上には展望台があり(一回につき1€で使用可能)天気が良く空気が澄んでいればフランクフルトの街や空港・滑走路、Rhein-Main(ライン-マイン)地区まで眺めることが出来ます(Mainz (マインツ)は遠過ぎて不可)。

Wait, I'm in Europe *_* そういえばヨーロッパ

When I posted this photo (other photos below) on my instagram, I've gotten many Likes and a comment "this looks like a post card!".
"Oh wait, I'm in Europe!" I kind of remembered that I'm still in Europe in which most of my friends are eager to be.
When I first came and moved to Germany, everything was new to me and kept me taking hundreds of photos. As I've been here for almost 3 years now, things that amazed me earlier has gotten pretty normal and I don't ever take photos of city views and stuff. I don't mean that it's gotten boring or something though!
I'll start to take more photos of my surroundings and places I visit again :)
Follow me on instagram!

この写真を撮った日は曇りだったのでイマイチぱっとしませんが気に入ってもらえたら嬉しいです :)

SAKURA - Cherry blossom ドイツの桜

Fully enjoyed cherry blossom trees this year again.
As it was over 20℃ everyday last 2 weeks, all flowered bloomed up and they have started to drop petals already.
How's sakura (cherry blossom) in Japan this year?
Enjoy some photos I took with my phone. German sakura is quite good too :)

たくさん写真撮ったのでお楽しみください。ドイツの桜もなかなかですよ ;) (写真は全てケータイ)
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Schnitzel Jägersoße (hunter's sauce) recipe 猟師風シュニッツェル レシピ

On 26th. Feb I made nice German food for my German husband :D 
Jan knew that schnitzel was waiting for him and only had salad on the flight.  
If I had that small food (salad!) looking forward to big dinner in some hours, it'd make me way too much hungry and I actually couldn't eat much what I was waiting for. 
What about? Too much hunger even loses appetite, as for me. ;)

先月26日、ドイツ人が喜ぶドイツ料理を夕飯に作りましたー :D

Across Borders: Navigating Trials and Triumphs on the Road to Marriage

On the 23rd of March 2024, I stood beside the love of my life, surrounded by friends and family, as we exchanged vows and embarked on a new ...