On 5th., such a miracle finally happened :D I jumped for happiness. I got to see my special friend, Albert who I'd hang out in Tokyo a lot until I moved to Germany, here in Frankfurt!
He actually came to Germany for a business trip, but he made his first day off because I live near Frankfurt and we'd gotten the whole day for a reunion :).
He was supposed to arrive in Frankfurt airport at 10:15 but thanks to London's thick fog, the flight ended up 3 hour-delay and we got to see each other after 1:30pm. After we arrived in Frankfurt city around 2:15pm, we decided to get something small to eat as I was starving. As he told me to take him somewhere I'd never been to, I thought of going to Häagen-Dazs ice cream building.
If you have read a post of our Frankfurt sightseeing with my family 1 month ago, you might be able to imagine where I decided to walk with him this time.
We got off the train at Hauptwache station and walked on Zeil street.
If you come to Frankfurt city for the first time, you'd probably walk up on the street though, I find it's so convenient to come there because everything, like many many shops and historical cathedrals, is all compacted in a small place that you can look through by walk.
9月5日、ついにこの日がぁぁぁ!!! :D 私がドイツに引っ越すまでよく東京で仕事の後などに会って遊んだアルベルトとフランクフルトで奇跡の再会をしました。あーもう嬉しすぎる。。
一ヶ月前の私の家族とのフランクフルト観光を読んでくれた方は何となくイメージつくかと思いますが、今回もお馴染みHauptwache (ハウプトバッヘ)駅から降りて本通りのZeilを歩くことにしました。やっぱりここが色んなお店や古い聖堂などがまとまってて、観光にピッタリなんですよね。
It's because last time we met was right before I moved to Germany and we had no chance to catch up at all, we kept on talking and talking to make up for the blank 2 years that flew away.
Such as... the difference of food in Germany, life style, how people behave and communicate, nationality, "Honne to tatemae" (Real intention and stated reason (superficial)) , and if I ever want to be a cook as I started to post hundreds of my cooking photos on Facebook lol
His life in London, work, fashion (as he is a Spanish, he has a passion for fashion. On this day he rocked Loewe.) and more and more.
By the way, though we stayed in Häagen-Dazs for a while only with a shake and a cup of ice cream, I didn't feel any uncomfortable atmosphere from shop staffs even though we didn't order anymore, and so other restaurants are. In Japan, I mention here Tokyo and big cities, if you spend a bit long time on chatting without any extra order such as more coffee or drinks, you might start to feel a bit hurried to pay from staffs walking by restlessly. I know that it's for more customers to come in though, at least I don't get the feeling in Germany. What do you think?
This is when he made a sudden snap with his phone after we enter MyZeil shopping mall where is located in the middle of Zeil street. zee. I look so fat here..
これはZeil通り真ん中辺りにあるMyZeil というショッピングセンターに入って撮られた写真。やーあたし太ってやばいな。。
しばらくフラフラ歩き回ってお店を見て歩き、残暑にバテて日陰を求めスタバへ。この日は32℃にもなって炎天下の中歩き続けるのは辛かったので多くの時間を屋内で過ごしました。ここのスタバは前回のフランクフルトの記事にも書いたレーマー(旧市庁舎: Römer)の目の前にあり、楽しく喋りながら人間観察もできます笑
After that we decided to explore the city with GPS function in his phone. It must've looked like we were totally strangers there and walking like in maze. I found out later on that we were walking 1 street outside Zeil street which is near Konstablerwache station that locates at the end of Zeil st.
I couldn't ever do this in a first place I visit though. I think it's because he's already an European person who basically knows what European cities are like (he has also lived and worked in Paris besides Barcelona and London (I know England isn't Europe!)), he has no fear to get lost and can ask people the direction he wants to go or even take a taxi.
Gosh, time flies! It was already time for sunset and the sky turned nice orange color.
We came back to Zeil street on the side of Konstablerwache station from 1 street behind and decided to eat something small at another Star Bucks before catching the train.
I've gotten a Panini and (I know it's a cheat meal as a fitness addict) a chocolate browny with 100% fruits smoothy while Albert got pretzel sandwich with cream cheese and apple sider.
It's always interesting how long you feel to wait for one single special day and how you feel the way it ends all too soon once it's over. Don't you think it's not fair?
The next Summer I moved to Germany, he and I were going to meet up in Tokyo when I returned to my family but before it happened, he had to move to England for work and we didn't make it a meet up unfortunately, and so was the Winter and this past Summer.
But hey, we got to get together again in Germany. How amazing it is! Who could ever imagine 2 years ago that we'd meet again in Germany?
If you (both) wish really hard, it comes true.
Such a great day. Beautiful day, beautiful person, and beautiful time spent for two.
We can love in many ways :)
私は100%フルーツスムージー、パニーニとcheat mealにチョコブラウニー選んじゃいました!アルベルトはリンゴサイダーにクリームチーズ入りプレッツェルサンドをチョイス。
でも見て! ドイツで再会。すごいことだと思う。2年前に、まさかドイツで再会できるなんて誰も想像できなかったから、今回ここに一緒に居ることをお互いしばらくの間理解出来てない感じだった。。笑
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