Do you like tarts?
Do you like chocolate?
Do you like cheese cake?
Are you on diet and beauty conscious?
This tart is for you.
When I'm craving cakes or tarts, I don't go to bakeries or grocery stores but make it by myself. I am sure I can make something better! HAHA!! Ever since I came to Germany, I still never had real good cakes honestly. All cakes here are much too dry.
If you have ever had Japanese strawberry cake, for example, you certainly know how good it really is. Right? Or try I made that strawberry cake for Jan's mama birthday party and other guests also brought their cakes from bakeries (they don't ever bake one.). Guess what? My cake was immediately gone while all other cakes were not even half finished when the party was over. Sure, Jan's mama was proud of her daughter-in-law lol
But when I bake, expect birthday or Christmas cakes, I've been trying to make sweets that also help body keep its healthy condition, that don't disturb everyday dieting food routine, and that don't make you gain weight.
So, I made this chocolate tart that tastes like cheese tart, has no oil in filling (tart crust has coconut oil), no sugar, no chocolate pieces.
私がケーキやタルトに飢えている時は、どこにも買いに行かずに作ります。だってもっと美味しいの作れるから笑 ドイツに来てから未だに一度も美味しいケーキに出会ってません。ここのケーキはパッサパサで全然美味しくない。日本人はもちろんですが、外国人にも大ウケの我らの苺ショートケーキ!あれを知っている私たちには欧米のケーキなんて食べられませんよねー。もしこちらヨーロッパに来る機会があったら、パン屋さんでケーキを買って食べてみてください。美味しくないです。以前じょんのお母さんの還暦(両親は60越えてます)の誕生日にゲストもケーキ持ちよりでパーティーをした際、私は日本のショートケーキを作って持って行きました。そしたら嬉しいことに一瞬で売り切れ(売ってませんが)。他に6種類くらい他の人たちからの買って来た(まず自分で焼きません)ケーキが半分も無くならず余っていました。これは嬉しかったです。。
First of all I need you to drain 2 cups/ 400g yogurt before working on the filling. If you want to watch a video for hows, click on either the video title or direct on the video image :D
♡Recipe ♡ ☟☟☟☟☟
1 bunch Drained Yogurt from 2 cups/ 400g (I used Greek yogurt :) So thick!)
1/2 cup/ 100ml Almond milk (only 20kcal per 100ml) (normal milk (65kcal) if you don't mind)
30 - 40g Agave syrup
5g Gelatin + 2 TBsp water to soak gelatin
1/2 TBsp pure Cacao powder
水切りヨーグルト(ヨーグルト400gから) (私はギリシャヨーグルト使用)
100ml アーモンドミルク (気にならなければ牛乳でも)
40g アガベーネクター
5g ゼラチン + 大さじ2 ふやかす用の水
大さじ1/2 純ココア
① Have a small dish and soak the gelatin in water. In a small pot, set the stove at low heat, pour almond milk or normal milk. Mix in agave syrup, cacao powder, and soaked gelatin. Stir well with a silicon or wooden spatula until no cacao powder pockets left. Remove from heat, turn off the stove.
② Toss the drained yogurt into the pot, mix it evenly with the milk mixture using a whisk or the spatula you were using.
③ Pour the filling into a tart crust which is completely cooled, place it in a fridge for 3 - 4 hours or until the filling gets hard enough.
I topped unsweetened coconut flak on it when I had a piece. I could go grab Hershey's chocolate sauce over it though ;) I kept it healthy.
Enjoy it!!
もっと甘さが欲しければ、Hershey's のチョコソースかけちゃっても... ;) 意味が無いので無しで笑
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