Oatmeal Crunch Bites オートミールクランチバー


100g Coconuts Oil (Butter for substitution) (100g ココナッツオイル 又は バター)
120g Brown sugar (120g ブラウンシュガー)
80g  Honey  (80g 蜂蜜) 
250g Mixed Oatmeal, like nuts and dried fruits in, or just only oatmeal (250g オートミール)

1. Preheat your oven at 180℃ (350°F). Place parchment papers in a medium to large square oven dish. If you want thick oatmeal bars, use smaller dish and if you want thinner ones, use large dish. 
In a large pan, stir coconuts oil, brown sugar, and honey at medium-low heat until evenly mixed.


2. Toss mixed oatmeal. Mmm...oats get glazed. oats get glazed. oats get glazed.. <3
I love how they start to shine. Mix eeeeevenly.


3. It gets bubbly and remove from the heat. Transfer to the oven dish. 
Press down with a spatula and make it flat. Put it in the oven and bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown.


When it's completely cooled down, put the oatmeal board into 16 sticks or so. I made them into 1 bite size. Enjoy it!



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