I love handmade Ricotta cheese. Why would I ever buy grocery-Ricotta anymore even though this is so rich in flavor, moist, perfectly delicious, and most importunely, super easy to make?
Do you buy it? and if you still don't know how to make it, here you know it today.
I always use it for cooking and I haven't used it for dessert, but you can enjoy it as it is with honey on.
Please give it a try. You'll love it.
In 5th July, in 3 days, John and I drive all the way to the North Germany to visit his friend who's also a cabin attendant. We'll stay at his guest apartment for about 5 days. I'll take many photos there and I'll share them with you :) Hope you'll have a great Summer day.
From 1 littler Milk, it makes about 1 cup, 195g, Ricotta cheese
1リットルの牛乳から約1カップ, 195gのリコッタチーズができます。
1 Litter full-fat Milk (I used 3.5% fat), (牛乳1ℓ, 低脂肪でない普通の牛乳)
1 pinch of Salt (塩ひとつまみ)
1/4 cup/ 50ml freshly squeezed Lemon juice, from 1 lemon (搾りたてレモン汁 50ml, 約レモン1個分)
1 Squeeze lemon until you get 50ml (1/4 cup) of it. In a medium pot, pour in 1000ml Milk, squeezed lemon juice, and 1 pinch salt, stir 1 to 2 rounds with a spoon.
Heat the pot at medium heat.
2 Please do not boil the milk. Stir gently and regularly but not too often. In a couple of minutes, cheese and whey start to show up. When the liquid completely separates like this, turn off heat.
Prepare a bowl, a sieve, and a thin cloth for filtering the cheese.
3 Filter cheese. When some whey goes down to the bowl, twist the cloth and it shapes a nice round cheese as it's finished. But you don't have to press the cheese. Leave it 30~90 minutes.
90 min- Ricotta tastes thicker/ stronger than 30 min. one.
漉す。ある程度チーズが漉されたら、布の端を茶巾絞りみたいに包むときれいな丸形ができる。でも無理に押し付けないでそのまま放置でok. 30~90 分置いて出来上がり。
You can use this whey for soup, baking, and everything. Full of calcium! Don't dump in the sink ;)
残ったホエーはスープ、パン作り等に使えるので捨てないこと。栄養の塊です^ ^
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