Simple Handmade Arrabbiata Sauce 手作りアラビアータソース

Handmade addiction. Now I started to make Arrabbiata sauce and feel my improvement of cooking :) "I've made a pizza dough, pizza cheese in the fridge, olives, smoked bacons.... Oh I don't have tomato sauce that's the most important ingredient!"  Luckily I've bought canned tomato puree a while ago and now it turned arrabbiata sauce. I never made it by myself and always went to grocery stores to get it when I wanted to have pizza, pasta, or soup to skip many processes that Italian mamas do from 0.
I love Barilla. Delicious, flavorful, and nicely amazing promotes other ingredients but still remains its taste....So they're always not cheap. This was the problem for me.
I was browsing many recipes for Arrabbiata sauce and concluded this method. I used just basic ingredients that all of you might also have in your kitchen and simply because I didn't have red wine, Italian seasonings, and red pepper flakes. Easy and tasty as always. If you have any tips for cooking, please let me know :)

1 teaspoon olive oil (オリーブオイル大さじ1)
1 large Onion, chopped (Lサイズ玉ねぎ1個 刻む)
4 cloves Garlic, minced  (ニンニク4つ 刻む)
1 tablespoon white Sugar (砂糖大さじ1)
1 tablespoon chopped dried Basil (乾燥バジル大さじ1)
1 tablespoon Lemon juice (レモン汁大さじ1)
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper (黒こしょう小さじ1/4)
400g peeled and diced Tomato puree (トマト缶400g)
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley (パセリ大さじ2)

Check Directions......>>>>>

My olive oil. I put fresh rosemary in it :) 
オリーブオイルのボトルの中にローズマリー入れてる :)
chopped onion and garlic. 玉ねぎとニンニク

1: Heat oil in a large skillet or saucepan over medium heat. Saute onion and garlic in oil for 5 minutes. 

2: Stir in sugar, basil, tomato paste, lemon juice, and black pepper. Bring to a boil. 

Does yours look like this too? こんな感じ
3: Reduce heat to medium, and simmer uncovered about 15 minutes. Stir in parsley. 

Pizza: You can use it for 2 pizza doughs.
Spaghetti: 1 portion. (maybe pretty much for 1 person but not enough for 2 portion)



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