I did it. I finally did it. I jumped for happiness in the kitchen. Why? My cookies are perfectly CHEWY & GOOEY.
I can't think of words to describe this feeling (yes, maybe this sounds like I succeeded in making sunny side up egg but you know how it feels if you've achieved something you wanted from long work. Totally like that.) 'cause...I've read loads of chewy cookie recipes and tried them all and I never made it.
Chewy cookies are completely different from normal crispy ones, ice-box ones, Sablé, etc. I would really like YOU to try some now :) Pictures tell you more than words.
The recipe I used: here
1 ¾ cups/350g plus 2 Tablespoon all-purpose flour (薄力粉350g+30g)
1 ½ tsp/10g ground ginger (おろした生姜10g)
1/3 teaspoon baking soda (ベーキングソーダ小さじ1/3)
1 pinch salt (塩ひとつまみ)
2/3 cup/133g unsalted butter, at room temperature (無塩バター室温 133g)
1 1/3 cups/265g packed dark brown sugar (ブラウンシュガー265g)
1 large egg, at room temperature (Lサイズ卵1個 室温)
1 large egg yolk, at room temperature (Lサイズ黄身 室温)
1 teaspoon fancy molasses (ハチミツ小さじ1)
1 ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract (バニラエッセンス小さじ1.5)
For rolling コーティング:
½ cup/100g granulated sugar (グラニュー糖100g)
Direction.....>>> 作り方.....>>>
In a large bowl, cream together butter and brown sugar by hand using a wide rubber spatula until somewhat light and smooth.
Stir in molasses.
2: Add 1 whole egg and stir until well incorporated and smooth. And then stir in yolk and vanilla extract until combined. The batter should not look curdled.
Is yours like this too? こんな感じになる。
3: Add flour mixture to the butter mixture all at once and stir until most of the flour is absorbed, but a few streaks remain. Do not over-mix.
You should end up with a soft, somewhat moist dough.
粉類をバターミクスチャーにいっぺんにいれ、大体の粉が混ざればok. でも混ぜすぎないこと。
4: Place a piece of plastic wrap directly over the surface of the dough in the bowl and refrigerate for at least 3 hours or overnight.
This mainly allows the butter to firm up so that it doesn’t melt too quickly in the oven, letting the dough set before the butter melts and spreads. This way the cookies don’t spread flat like pancakes and remain a bit gooey in the middle even once the tops are golden.
Preheat your oven to 180℃(350°F). オーブンを180度に予熱。
5: Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper and roll 1-oz mounds of chilled dough onto balls and then roll into sugar.
6: Place them on prepared baking sheet spacing them 5cm (2.5 inches) apart Bake until golden brown and cracked at the surface, about 10 minutes.
7: Let cookies cool on baking sheet for about 30 seconds before carefully transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
AH!! look....♡
You can imagine hard crispy shell and gooey texture once you bite it.
nom nom nom
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