Do you still think baking a cake is a long labor work? Here's the easiest, healthier Carrot cake!
Click "SEE MORE" for the recipe.
With half amount for 1 pound cake size. 半量でパウンドケーキ型ピッタリです。
Carrot (にんじん 中1本) Medium size 2. Grated-すりおろす
Egg (たまご) 4
Olive oil (オリーブオイル) 100g easier & healthier than butter~
Sugar (砂糖) 100g
All-purpose flour (薄力粉) 240g
Baking powder (ベーキングパウダー小さじ1) 1 teaspoon
1: Preheat oven at 170C (340F). In a large bowl, mix well crack eggs, sugar, and olive oil.
2: Dump flour and baking powder and mix like slashing the mixture. Now knead.
3: Add grated carrot in the mixture and pour it into the cake pan.
4: Bake it in the preheated oven at 170C for 20~30 minutes. Adjust the baking time depends on how strong your oven is. With 20 minutes my cake was half raw in the center and I baked it for 30 minutes total.
170度に余熱したオーブンで20~30分焼く。つまようじで刺して見て 何も付いてこなければ出来上がり。
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