Since it's been awfully cold in Germany, and all other Europe, I couldn't help making something warm for dinner. They report that -30°C (-22°F) wind's been blowing down here from Russia.. OH LA LA! It makes me happily want to move out to Japan.
This time I used Japanese delicious Udon noodle. Have you had Udon before? If you have a chance to go to Japanese restaurant, please try it. It's perfect match with Tempura.
Last time I made Coconut milk curry, it completely got me addicted so I took advantage of this cold weather, I cooked it again as soup. You need the warmth too? Here's the recipe :)
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ここ最近ヨーロッパ全域が凍り付くような寒さで、今夜は何かあったかいもの作らずにはいれなかった! ロシアからマイナス30度の風が吹き付けててイタリアもスペインも雪が降り冷凍庫状態。先週フランクフルトは日中も-12度とかで。。今すぐにでも喜んで日本に帰りたいね。
Onion (玉ねぎ) 1 Sliced
Champignon/Mushroom (マッシュルーム又はしめじ 1パック) 120g
Water (水) 600ml
Chicken stock powder(鶏がらスープ(顆粒)小さじ4 ) 4 teaspoon
Canned Coconuts milk (ココナッツミルク 1缶) 1 can
Carry roux (カレールー) 120g
Salt to taste/season (塩 少々)
1 Melt a bit of butter in a pan and fry onion until golden brown.
2 Dump Champignon into the pan to fry another few minutes.
3 Add 600ml water, coconuts milk, and chicken soup powder, mix well.
Start to boil noodles. Or warm up the noodle.
4 Add curry roux, mix well, simmer for 5~ min., salt to taste.
Bon Appétit!
this looks so yummiiiii!i'd love to try it!
ReplyDeleteThat was delicious and made me warm :) Perfect for the cold day!