2012 finally came and at the same time, Jan's birthday came, 1st January :D He turned 31 years old (when I first met him was 2 years ago..time flies.) I asked him what kind of cake he'd like to have for birthday and this fruit tart was requested. So I made this :) It was pretty much successful for the first try.
Here's the recipe. Click "SEE MORE" Just 10 steps ♥ ♥
2012年明けました! と同時にジョンの誕生日が来て31歳です。(私が初めてあったのはもう2年前...早すぎる)少し前にジョンに誕生日何ケーキ食べたい?って聞いてフルーツタルトがリクエストになったので作りました~♥初めてにしてはよく出来たと思う!
れて嬉しかった~ :D
※(18cm タルト型の場合全分量を1/2にしてください)
[Tart base タルト生地 ]
- Unsalted butter (無塩バター) 1 cup (200g)
- Powder sugar (粉糖) 120g
- Salt (塩 2つまみ) 2 pinches
- Egg (卵)1 M size
- All purpose-flour (薄力粉 ふるう) 2 cups (400g) Sift well
- Almond powder (アーモンドプードル ふるう) 60g Sift well
[Pastry cream カスタードクリーム]
- Egg yolk (卵黄) 6 M size
- Granulated sugar (グラニュー糖) 80g
- Corn starch (コーンスターチ) 40g
- Milk (牛乳) 2 cup (400cc)
- Cream (生クリーム) 1/2 cup (100cc)
[Other その他]
- Your favorite fruits お好みの果物 (I used 1 apple, orange, grape fruit, blue berry package, and 1.5 kiwi. 私はりんご・オレンジ・ピンクグレープフルーツ1個ずつと1個半キウィ, 10cm 四方のパックのブルーベリー使いました。)
1 Make a tart base. In a bowl, mix room temperature butter, powder sugar, and salt well. Add an egg and mix more.
2 Add sifted flour and almond powder in the bowl, and mix (slash!) it well with a spatula. Not "Knead" it, slash it.
3 Wrap it with saran wrap and rest it in a fridge for more than 2 hours.
4 Spread the dough out into 3~4mm thick and put it nicely over the tart frame. Rest it again for 20 minutes in the fridge. You can freeze extra dough and use it again by letting it defrost itself.
5 Make holes with a fork and put aluminum foil over it and hole it as well. Put 2 grabs of macaroni (or other thing for weight) on the dough. Bake for 20 min in 180c.
6 Make Pastry cream ♫ In a bowl, mix egg yolk and granulated sugar with a hand mixer and then add corn starch. Mix well.
7 In a small pot, boil milk and cream, and pour it into the bowl of egg yolk mixture (above). Mix well.
8 Pour this mixture back into the pot and keep stirring it for 2 min with a spatula not to burn .
9 Ice/cool the pot using cold water with ice cubes until it gets cold enough.
10 Now fun part! ♥ ♥ Spread the cream with the spatula on the tart base and decorate fruits ♥ ♥
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