1 month passed

ZARA sweater, pale pink short denim/ザラ セーター、ショートデニム
Buffalo boots/バッファロー ブーツ
MANGO bowling handbag/マンゴー ボーリングハンドバッグ

3rd October, I arrived here Germany from Tokyo to start a student life without knowing German alphabet.  Today just 1 month passed since then. I already am feeling I've got changed and grown up a little compared to 1 month ago. Even since the beginning of this year, I'd had a feeling that I'd make a big big difference this year from last years, I'd definitely be different, new megumi, and that would for sure come true. I've worked and waited enough to become a student again and study what I've been waiting for. There are so so so many things besides becoming a student which I'd like to try, see, and know in my future and while I'm young enough.. So I always hurry to live my life. I'm not trying to hurry but I am when I get conscious about myself :)
No body knows when you die and so do I. 
Life is given only once. 
So I want to see as many things, people as possible while I live my life. 

Always much stuff is packed in my mind and it all keeps running endlessly. I always always think about things, ..my life, people, sky, plants, animal, insects, tree, air, food, universe, and how small I am etc etc... and all thoughts always end up concluding "let's live fully today not to regret tomorrow."
Where I live now is maybe only one of places where I live in my life as I lived in Tokyo and other prefectures in Japan. I'm not going to stay here for the rest of my life of course. I need to explore more many places and know more people and worlds. I don't want to die knowing there were still more stuff I could see..right? 
Peaceful night and nice music made me thoughtful a little now while typing :) Hope your weekend went brilliant.

10月3日、私は東京から学生になるためにドイツに降り立った。ドイツ語のアルファベットも知らないで。11月3日、ちょうどここに来て一ヶ月になる。すでに私自身一ヶ月前とは違うって感じるし、確実に成長してると思う。もう今年の頭から、心の中で「今年は今までの年と全く違う年にしてみせる。違う、新しい自分になって、そしてこれは絶対に実現する」って確信があったんだよね。普通に仕事してたけど、年末にはここに自分はいないって思ってた。学生復帰以外にも十分若いうちにまだたっくさん山ほどやりたいこと、目で見たいこと、学びたいことがあるの。焦ってるんじゃないけど、多分生き急いでる。そうしてるつもりはないけど気づくとそうなってる :)

静かな夜とすてきな音楽でシンカー(Thinker)になっちゃった :) すてきな週を迎えてね。


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