ZARA T shirt, TRF check shirt, short denim/ザラ Tシャツ、TRFチェックシャツ、ショートデニム
Buffalo boots/バッファロー ブーツ
MANGO bowling handbag/マンゴー ボーリングハンドバッグ
UNIQLO blazer/ユニクロブレザー
Sunday evening filled with sunshine, I walked up to the bridge near home for photo shooting. This I
ZARA T shirt from ebay last week and I was waiting until I can finally wear it. Thought I'd better wait until Summer but it's still too long to go, so it ended up showing up now. At Frankfurt, 2 weeks ago, I saw ZARA staff wearing black "I
ZARA" T shirt, which made me want really bad! The staff told me it's not sold at any shop due to it's only for ZARA staff. Then we started to look for it on ebay and the first one we found was this t shirt. Isn't it cute? I might wear them (now I got the black one ;) ) sometime from now on. Hope you had a wonderful weekend :)
ZARA Tシャツは先週ebayで買って着るのが待ち遠しかったやつ。来年の夏まで待とうと思ったんだけど待てなくて今回着ちゃったんだよね。2週間前にフランクフルト行った時、ザラの店員さんたちが黒のこのTシャツを着てて、探してみたんだけど店員限定らしく断念。。帰宅後ソッコーebayで検索したらあったから落札までこぎ着けたの。これからちょこちょこ着ると思う ;) Happy Monday!
Simply evening
Skinny jeans, platform heels, blouse, leather bag/スキニージーンズ、プラットフォームヒール、ブラウス、レザーバッグ
UNIQLO belt/ユニクロ ベルト
These photos taken before heading to the hotel to have dinner buffet on 20th. I love the brightness of this leather bag and the smooth touch which I never get tired of.. Fall/Winter clothes tend to be dark or tone down so I randomly added it for catchy color. And gold accessories to finish up the outfit. What do you wear at evening these days? Hope you're having a great weekend :)
この写真は20日、ホテルの夕食に行く前に撮ったの。このハンドバッグの明るさがすごくお気に入りで手触りも完璧だからずっと触ってても飽きないくらい好きなんだよね。秋・冬服は暗くなりがちだからキャッチーにするために取り入れたよ。アクセサリーはシンプルなデザインでゴールドで統一させて終わり。この時期の晴れの日は何着てる?ステキな週末を過ごしてね :)
Mercure hotel
kitson knit/キットソン ニット
ZARA skinny jeans, platform heels/ザラ スキニージーンズ、プラットフォームジーンズ
MANGO bowling handbag/マンゴー ボーリングハンドバッグ
UNIQLO belt/ユニクロ スタッズベルト
Came to Mercure Hotel for German food dinner buffet. It was so delicious! But again, I ate too much :S
I need to work out a lot hehe. Have a great weekend :)
マーキューホテルにディナーバッフェに来たよ。すごくおいしくて食べ過ぎちゃったー... :S
ちょっと多めにウォークアウトしないと笑 ステキな週末を :)
Bright in the dark
ZARA men's stole, men's sweater, TRF skinny jeans, platform heels/ザラ メンズストール、メンズセーター、TRFスキニージーンズ、プラットフォームヒール
UNIQLO blazer/ユニクロ ブレザー
19th, this past Wednesday, I came to Ruesslesheim to proceed my insurance which was 3rd visit. I think, probably, should positively say, I'm finally insured here and they'll send me the Euro card soon. Now I'm officially registered in Germany, having my address here, and insured :) The last thing to process is my school which starts next month. It's still feeling strange I LIVE in Europe and I come to Japan as a trip on vacation. It might take a little while until I begin to feel I'm one of people here.
I got this MANGO bag and ZARA skinny jeans at Wiesbaden last Tuesday and it turned out a good timing to match with this blazer for official procedure.
Did you know I'm a big fan of turquoise accessories? I found this necklace at Shibuya, Tokyo, last month since I couldn't take my eyes off this beautiful deep blue. It was fancy price but I know this stone's worth it. After processing my insurance, I grabbed some snack: Mozzarella cheese & Tomato sandwich and Cherry crunch cake with espresso. Mmm!
ZARA men's stole, shirt, handbag, TRF sweater, flats, /ザラ メンズストール、シャツ、ハンドバッグ、TRF セーター、フラッツ
H&M skinny pants/H&M スキニーパンツ
18th, this past Tuesday spent at Wiesbaden which is near Mainz, I again enjoyed shopping tour like I do at Frankfurt. This time I bought MANGO's handbag and nail polish and perfume by Dior. I was so surprised how cheap all these are, unlike Japan. I'd buy all nail colors by Dior soon. Too cheap! or Japanese price is just ridiculously expensive.. Luckily it became sunny (partially cloudy) even though they expect it'd be rainy all day since last week. I've been playing with Autumn colored items these days and this time I matched my outfit with old buildings I'm seeing here. Then I'd call it European Fall look..? :) I guess I wouldn't see this kind of color combination or look in Japan. Tonight I'll go to German food buffet for dinner :9 It's still early afternoon but I'm already getting hungry! hehe
こないだの火曜日はマインツの近くにあるウィースバーデンて所に行ってまたショッピング満喫しちゃった。今回はマンゴーのハンドバッグとディオールのネイルカラー・香水を買ったの。日本と違って安すぎて拍子抜けしちゃった。最近は秋色アイテムで洋服選びを楽しんでるから、今回はこっちの歴史的な建物にインスパイアされた組み合わせにしてみた。今年はウィリアムとケイトのロイヤルウェディングでロンドンブームみたいだけど、この前のフランクフルトでのアウトフィットも含めて今回の服もそんな風になってるかも。トレンド意識しなくてもヨーロッパに住んでると勝手にそうなってくような気がする。今夜は近くのホテルでドイツ料理のバッフェなの! まだ昼だけど楽しみでもうおなか空いてきた :9
Keep me warm
On 17th, Monday, having not specific plans, I went to IKEA again to get some kitchen items. I got this sweater and long sleeves at Pimkie in Frankfurt 2 weeks ago, I thought I'd wear them with brown boots but I changed my mind for these gray boots by ZARA after all. Now it looks more dressy because of it :) The texture might look think and cold but is actually finely knitted and keeps me warm. How would you wear this?
17日の月曜日、またIKEAに行って調理器具を買って来た。毎日料理作ってると必要なものがどんどん見えてくるね。今までジョンが一人で住んでた時は本格的な料理はしなかったから(お菓子作りももちろん)必要最低限のものしかなくて不便不便笑 今はもっと食器が欲しいの。どんぶり型のお皿がないからラーメン食べらんないじゃん!て騒いでるところ笑
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