Short denim: ZARA (bought last year)
suede boots-my mom'sBracelet: DIY
Rings: Forever21
Crochet knit and Suède must be one of the must-haves for Autumn.This knit, though I bought 3 years ago or something, has been my favorite wear for Spring and Autumn every year. It's very convenient to put on when it feels a bit chilly but too warm for woolen clothes or long sleeves. Nice breeze blows through the holes (yes, crochet) and it keeps me comfortable all day long. As you're seeing, I've been in love with suède bags and using them on each post..thought my other bags showed up in my head but couldn't avoid grabbing this to match with the suède boots and the knit. The bracelet is my first DIY here. This is my first one since I made a bunch of bracelets as in high school days. I'll definitely make more and better ones :) Hope your Monday started with much fun and love!
クロシェニットとスエードはこの秋のマストハヴでしょ! このニット、3年くらい前に新宿のハンジローで買ったんだけど、ずっとお気に入りアイテムで春と秋には欠かせないんだよね。ちょっと肌寒いけど長袖着るには暑すぎるって時、かぎ網のトップスは超便利。気持ちいい風が網目から抜けて一日中快適なんだな~ ^ ^。ここのところZARAで買った3種類のスエードのハンドバッグヘビロテして今日は別のバッグ使おうかなって迷ったけど、このブーツ見たら合わせないわけにはいかないっしょ、って思って結局今回も使っちゃった。ブレスレットは今日自分で作ったやつ。高校の時にミサンガは山のように作ったけどそれ以来初めて。ボルト使ってゴツイのにしてみたけど想像以上に難しかった!!初めてで雑だから、今後はもっと作って上達するよ :) ステキな一週間を!
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Megumi you are so gorgeous. I <3 your blog.
ReplyDeleteKate <3
Hi Kate!! <3 thanks so much for checking my blog! Please stay tuned and I keep you posted ;)