Fuji-Q Highland 8/29

My friend, Hidemi and I went to Fuji-Q Highland in Yamanashi Prefecture which has so many roller coasters!! If you have the chance to come to Japan and love to scream till you lose your voice on these rides, I absolutely recommend you to come here. It was such an amazing day screaming all day long together and having lots lots lots of FUN! Look through pictures I took to see how exciting these look. Would you come?

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Gloomy lazy

White loose sweater: TOPSHOP
Suede casual large bag: ZARA
Purple short denim: M2F
Boots: unbranded

What are you wearing for this beginning of Autumn these days? I found this white loose sweater at TOPSHOP last week and it didn't take me even seconds to decide to buy it. The touch is quite smooth, looks pretty loose, easy to match with any bottoms and shoes. There must be hundreds of ways for outfits with this.
In this Autumn/Winter, I'm paying more attention to loose, chunky, and crochet sweater/knit as well as cotton shirts and blouse, though these sweaters have always been my favorite all the year. What do you think about this outfit? :)

秋に向けて何着てる?先週TOPSHOPでこのゆる~いセーター見つけたの。買うって決めるまでに何秒もかからなかったくらい即決。肌触りは気持ちいいし、ルーズなルックスがかわいいし、どんなボトムスも靴も合わせやすい。きっといっくらでも組み合わせあるはず。この秋冬はコットンシャツ、ブラウスと並行にこういうゆる系、ずっしり重いタイプ、あと前の記事で着てるかぎ網(クロシェ)タイプのセーター・ニットに注目してるよ。基本的に年間通して好きだから夏でもクロシェは着るけどね。このアウトフィットどう? :)


More Suede for remaining Summer

Crochet knit: HANJIRO
Short denim: ZARA (bought last year)
suede boots-my mom's
Bracelet: DIY
Rings: Forever21

Crochet knit and Suède must be one of the must-haves for Autumn.This knit, though I bought 3 years ago or something, has been my favorite wear for Spring and Autumn every year. It's very convenient to put on when it feels a bit chilly but too warm for woolen clothes or long sleeves. Nice breeze blows through the holes (yes, crochet) and it keeps me comfortable all day long. As you're seeing, I've been in love with suède bags and using them on each post..thought my other bags showed up in my head but couldn't avoid grabbing this to match with the suède boots and the knit. The bracelet is my first DIY here. This is my first one since I made a bunch of bracelets as in high school days. I'll definitely make more and better ones :) Hope your Monday started with much fun and love!

クロシェニットとスエードはこの秋のマストハヴでしょ! このニット、3年くらい前に新宿のハンジローで買ったんだけど、ずっとお気に入りアイテムで春と秋には欠かせないんだよね。ちょっと肌寒いけど長袖着るには暑すぎるって時、かぎ網のトップスは超便利。気持ちいい風が網目から抜けて一日中快適なんだな~ ^ ^。ここのところZARAで買った3種類のスエードのハンドバッグヘビロテして今日は別のバッグ使おうかなって迷ったけど、このブーツ見たら合わせないわけにはいかないっしょ、って思って結局今回も使っちゃった。ブレスレットは今日自分で作ったやつ。高校の時にミサンガは山のように作ったけどそれ以来初めて。ボルト使ってゴツイのにしてみたけど想像以上に難しかった!!初めてで雑だから、今後はもっと作って上達するよ :) ステキな一週間を!

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Sunday Look 8/21: Don't want Summer to go.

Studded sandals: ZARA
Suede handbag: Gray loose cardigan: Denim shorts: ZARA
Tank top: UNQLO

It's got pretty chilly days over here and I'm feeling Summer's for sure been leaving us to welcome Autumn that's putting its foot on the ground each day. I just found out I haven't showed you the amazing studded sandals by ZARA which I bought a little while ago.
I got to take pictures of some Summer flowers before they start fading. Hope your weekend went great :)

夏の花たちもスナップ。枯れる前に撮っておかなきゃと思って :) ステキな日曜を過ごしてね :)

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In the mood for flower

Suede handbag: ZARA (New Arrival)
Floral print T shirt: ZARA
Sandals: ZARA
Bracelet: TOPSHOP
Super hot dank Monday spent with my mom and sister, Haruka for shopping. I've waited for floral outfit someday and this time matched with my new handbag which was on sale already after 2 weeks since its arrival for Autumn collection. Some fashion bloggers have talked about and used suede items like handbag, skirts, jillet, hair accessories for their Autumn/Winter look lately but I didn't know it's been on fashion till I bought them. Even if it's not that hot as new trend for now, we bloggers make trends over these posts here...this is so fun. I am really not known by people at all yet, as a blogger, but someday I'd like to be such an influencer. I'd have a blast!
I stole the floral shorts, yes it's not skirt :), from Haruka's closet for this photo shooting. She used to wear super feminine, girly, innocent clothes but as you see her here, that kind of look wouldn't work for her well (now she never wears it anymore actually.). Her outfit style has shifted to surf girl, rap style (for girls), and just normally casual look. So., I pulled out the shorts from the bottom of the drawal packed with no-longer-worn clothes :P

15日の月曜に母親とはるかと一緒にショッピング行ってきた。湿気とむせ返るような暑さが半端なかったけど楽しかった ^ ^ 今回はスエードの新しいバッグと一緒にフローラルのアウトフィットにしてみたよ。履いてるサンダルは2万ぐらいのもので入荷したときに欲しかったけど値段であきらめたら、セールで残ってたの。たまには待ってみるのも手だよね。そう、スエードだけど、最近は海外のブロガー(海外しかチェックしてないんだけど)が秋、冬のコーデでヘビロテし始めたけど、私買うまで知らなかったんだよね。ちょうど3つスエードのバッグ買ったばっかりだから、便乗して使ってみようかな :) そんなにトレンドになってないアイテムもこうやって私たちブロガーが頻繁に使うことで次のシーズンの流行アイテムになったりするんだよね。それって面白いよね。いつか何年後かに自分がインフルエンサーになってトレンドを作るような存在になりたいなって思う。
ピックアップした花柄のショーツ(スカートじゃないんだよ)ははるかのクローゼットからパクった笑 イトヨなんだよね笑 haha!!(← 英訳には書いてないよ  >u<*)

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Hang Out with My Buddy! 8/15 2011

We met up for drinks on 15th after his work; I was off. James (he stopped using his last name, Cory lately lol) and I, as you know if you check my blog often, have been buddies for 3 or 4 years. Since my decision that I'm going to move to Germany in October, I've been cherishing every single second to spend with my important friends. He might leave Tokyo when September comes so it gets even more precious to be with my best friend, Cory. There's no need to add more words to explain about good friendship.
I always can stay the way I am in front of him no matter what mood I'm in. We argued a lot, did stupid things (got drunk and walked randomly on the street, looked wasted etc etc), laughed a lot, enjoyed the same hobbies (like guitar, photography, model work, cooking) and more. Could say we grew up together because we met after he came to Japan to live with no friends and I just graduated from a college and started working in this huge place, Tokyo, with no friends. I couldn't express how much I appreciate our friendship and stuff we have spent until today.
I love you Cory, we'll be best friends no matter how old we get! let's hang out again as often as possible dude!

15日、コリーの仕事の後に会って飲んだよ。甚平がほしいけど選ぶの付き合ってって誘われて(今さら)、それが夕方6時半。。そのまま遊ぶ予定だったけど8時PM~10時PMまで急に仕事が入っちゃってその後またあってようやくご飯w 2時間ヒマでアホんなりそうだったけどひたすら歩きまくっていい運動になったかな笑 
もし私のブログ頻繁にチェックしてくれたらわかると思うけど、コリーとはもう3,4年の付き合いなんだよね。この10月に私がドイツに引っ越すって決めてから今まで以上に友だちとハングアウトする時間が大切になってきてて、親友のコリーもその大事な大事な一人。彼も9月に東京から出ないといけなくなるっぽくてお互い急に時間が無くなった笑 だから毎日のように誘ってくれてて(自分も誘えよ)、ちゃんと写真撮っておくか、って思って泡盛飲んでる最中に撮ったのがこれ。たくさん口論もしたし、バカなこともしたし、笑って、趣味なんかもシェアして(ギターとか料理とか写真とかモデル業界とか色々)。。何か同じタイミングで知り合って成長してきたところがあるの。彼はカナダからワーホリで日本に来たばっかで友だち全然いなくて、私は専門出て就活して仕事して友だちいなくて。だからすごく濃いんだよね~。ほんと、出会いに感謝してるしベストフレンドになれてよかったな、って思う。
大好きだよー!!どんなに年とっても親友でいようね! 離れるまでできるだけいっぱい遊ぼう!


Love See-through.

Transparent dress: moussy
Casual large bag: ZARA (New arrival)
Peacock tank: Forever21
Short denim: ZARA
Sandals: Bershka

I'm sorry for being absent! Since August started, John's flight has not been on my days off (last months were just lucky my days off and his flight schedules were almost the same timing) so I haven't been able to do good photo shootings (I don't meant to be mean to my sister or mother though!) that we used to do until July.
I got this beautiful transparent long shirt (how would you call it? one-piece? blouse? shirt?) 2 weeks ago at moussy and wore it the next day to hang out with Albert. Wanna know a nice story of this beautiful shirt?
On the way to the station by bike, the thing I was afraid of the most happened. After in a few minutes leaving home, I started to hear the clatter beck there and began to wonder what was making that noise near me riding . I stopped my bike on the road and looked back behind me and saw the nightmare. The cutout this shirt got screwed up in the bike tire!!!!!!
I saw it tore the material up and small holes from a button...The tiny buttons were clattering between steels of tire. It made such a thick long black line from the button 'cause of bike/tire oil and I had to run into the bathroom 5 minutes before I saw him to wash it as much as possible. ...still brand new..
So I'm still wondering if I should get back to the shop again to get the exactly the same one (maybe it's gone already :'( ) You cannot see the "scars" of this shirt 'cause I was trying to hide it ;) Anyhow, it looks amazing and beautiful doesn't it? :) xxx

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I'm ready with ZARA Suede for Autumn & Winter

What would you say about this beautiful green suede bag? and the (obviously!) useful shoulder bag (new arrival) down below? I've been paying attention to nice colors that suit Autumn/Winter on accessories and they're perfect to match new season, including another suede handbag which is on previous post.
Coming back to my station this evening, I began to wonder if I should stop by to say hi to my friend who's working at ZARA. Every time I go there I have new friends who want to know me more from how I wear clothes that interest them (they say) and ask for my blog. (Start talking like "I'd like to put this bag on my blog.." and they're like "oh are you a blogger? I'd love to check your blog. May I have the link?" and I give it to them hehe)
So today, I've got new lady who I promised to post these new bags on here within today. She was so nice and killing me by complimenting my outfit. Thank you so much! and it made me buy these after all ;)
Surprisingly, this green handbag was already on sale even though it was still $170 (in Japan, always like this price.) with the brown one, which was just $38. lol Definitely must-buy, right? Mmm....all these will complete my Autumn outfits for sure :)

今日の夕方駅に戻ってきてからマルイの中にあるZARAで働いてる友だちに声かけよ~って思って寄ったの。毎回ショップに行くたびに新しい友だちができて楽しいんだよね。結局今日会いたかった子がいなくて残念だったけど、また今日も一人店員さんと仲良くなった :) 今日着てた服とかバッグ合わせたときにとっても気に入ってもらえてこのブログ教えさせてもらいました~♥ このバッグの記事書いて今日中に更新するって約束したから早速写真撮ったよ。これからの季節、大活躍になりそう :)

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New Items I was with yesterday

Let me share suede items for Autumn by ZARA with you before I get to my friend. As you see my previous outfit post updated yesterday, Ive got 2 of leather bags and sandals for coming season..
I've checked ZARA site quite often but still cannot find them even on new arrival section. I might've been lucky to have them right after they got to the shop near my house.
Sometime you can find items which are your taste and aren't uploaded yet on the website. Lucky huh? :) 
Do you like them? 

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"Iris" - Goo Goo Dolls. Please listen.

I couldn't help putting this beautiful video here. I just want you to listen to this video of  Iris by Goo Goo Dolls. KurtHugoSchneider  covered. 
So beautiful melody, and you'll find silence, peace, emotions and a bit of sadness etc.
You'll like it :)

このステキなビデオをアップせずにはいられなかったから貼っちゃったよ。本当にメロディーが美しくて聴き惚れちゃうから、是非聴いてみて。曲はグーグードールのアイリスでKurt カート って人が(同い年!oh my god)カバーしてるの。
きっと気に入るはず :)


Outfit of the day: Leathers for Fall

Leather bag & sandals (New Arrival): ZARA
Camisole, t-shirt (bought last Summer): ZARA
Purple shorts: M2F brand
Accessories: Forever21

What kind of items are you getting for Autumn? The big leather bag and sandals are ones I've got last week after work at ZARA. The bag is big enough to put in whatever I need to spend all day long in the sun (2 books to read on the train, 1 bottled water, wallet, sun-protect lip stick, handkerchief, iPod nano and the September issue of Japan VOGUE lol).
At ZARA, amazing new items for Autumn/Winter have been sold and Python pattern's been my addiction more than metallic. I never get tired of staying there for hours! What have you been checking for this coming season?

Funny but cute cutout

I've got this sweater from kitson these past weeks. I'm sure I would be adoring it in this coming Autumn matching with short denim and boots. The length of sleeves is always a problem for me because my arms are too long (hard to see in photos though) even for large size of Asian clothes and these sleeves are just perfect.
Even though I just put this directly on my skin, it feels so smooth over bare skin and really not itchy. I can't wait to wear this :)
Sorry for messed room and the table. I should've cleaned up more of paid attention to where I stood..

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My future phone

The phone I'll be using in Germany's arrived for a moment John came this time. It was a quick greeting to her. She's now waiting for me to come. Hmm I wonder if I could handle German on the phone :P

あたしがドイツで使うケータイとご対面w今回ジョンが来たときに持ってきてくれたんだけどね。もうあたしのケータイもスタンバイオッケー。あとは私が行くだけだね。完全ドイツ語表示だけどあたし大丈夫かな :P

No accessories, just colors.

Green shirt: Bershka
Yellow ripped short denim: Forever21
Open toe heels: ZARA

I chose 3 different colors to crush this time. Nothing to add :) What do you think?
3つの色をクラッシュしてみたよ。他にいらないよね :)  どう思う?

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Across Borders: Navigating Trials and Triumphs on the Road to Marriage

On the 23rd of March 2024, I stood beside the love of my life, surrounded by friends and family, as we exchanged vows and embarked on a new ...