Faux suede blazer: UNIQLO
T shirt: ZARAYellow damage denim: Forever21
Sandals: Bershka
Before heading for the meeting for modelling this evening at 6pm, I snapped some of my outfit to that. Since I was in a hurry, I grabbed faux suede blazer, neon colored transparent t-shirt, yellow short denim, and the sandals. I didn't have to wear something formal because he told me on the phone that I can wear whatever casual clothes like ones I wore last Saturday, but it's a meeting that people basically wear formal cloth. So I close the blazer. Do you think this outfit would be good? I am excited to see girls attend with me! I might bring my camera just in case ;) Wish me luck! :D
フェイクスエードのブレザー: UNIQLO
ネオンカラーのシースルーT シャツ: ZARAイエローダメージデニム: Forever21
サンダル: Bershka
担当の人から、先週の土曜に着たようなカジュアルな服で構わないって言われたんだけど、基本的に会ってものはカジュアルすぎちゃダメでしょ?だからとりあえずブレザー着ておこっと思ってこのアウトフィットにした。他の女の子たち見るの楽しみ♪ カメラ一応持ってこっ

Hope you're having a great weekend!
Love your shorts- great colour!
Thank you so much Michelle <3