I'm making a blog post again in my kitchen, on Saturday morning, without the light on while Fall breeze cross the rooms.
It's been insanely busy at work, better yet it keeps on getting busier. It only gets busier each day.
I wake up at 4:30am and at earliest I come back home around 10:00pm but actually a few minutes before 11:00pm since last Monday. So every Friday night I feel like my body is flying in the air or just numb.
It's because where I'm living right now is Kanagawa and my office is in Roppongi, Tokyo, I know it's freaking far and it takes 1:45 train ride on each way. But I reeeeaaally wanted to work in this place and at this company. So it's totally fine for me.
I know it couldn't be better that we're busy. Our business is getting bigger and bigger and days go by quickly like a racing car that wouldn't stop. Or I should say that it's like a jumbo airplane taking off and flying up into the sky, like our CEO describes.
I find myself becoming a part of the body of our company, having more responsibility and capability, and appreciation for what I've done.
I see the reason I want to work here and work with them…and endless motivation for our growth.
There is even no shadow of fun that I had in Germany like a small trip, sightseeing, enjoying food stuff like that but I have another kind of fun here that's unreplaceable. Self investment, I'd say :)
One of them is going to gym that I stared since August. I can't come to the gym during the weekdays so every weekends are my training time.
The purpose I decided to start it is not only I want to have a strong body for tough days but I want to look great for opportunities to meet CEO and his people from Germany and to be in an international congress or business trips that I will start to have.
Some people say/used to say that how you look isn't important but it is very important nowadays. The first impression is determined over 80% by the first 1.5 seconds, you know. You have only one body in life so you should take care of it :)
I maybe don't look in a great shape yet but I'm working on it.
Hope you're having a nice weekend!
体は一つしか無いんだから、ケアしないとね :)
P.S.If you would like to contact me, email on honeymuffin.m@gmail.com
私に直接連絡希望の方はこちらまで: honeymuffin.m@gmail.com