Real Japanese Tofu: Chickpea Tofu 感動! ひよこ豆豆腐

Tofu is very special for me.
Not only because I'm Japanese and we love to eat them often but because my grandparents had Tofu shop for more than 50 years and I've grown up with their great tofu that had been even broadcasted on TV for its deliciousness.
One of my most favorite tofus is silk tofu.
It's so smooth, soft and it gives a nice sweetness of soy beans..and disappears in the mouth.
When I first saw Tofu in the states, that was a shock.
Why is it so hard? It's like it'd keep the shape even if you drop it from 100m high building. And the freshness date is unbelievably long like a few weeks or even longer like 1 month.
The freshness date that Japanese Tofu has is only 2 or 3 days because that's the maximum length that keeps the freshness of soy beans and its quality.
So the question is: what's in there to last that long? I immediately thought "I don't want people here to believe that this is Japanese Tofu."
Please don't believe that hard like brick, extremely long freshness dates on Tofu you see at your grocery stores are. not. Tofu. OK?
The same thing can be said here in Germany too. The texture is the same as Feta cheese. Oh my gosh. I want to know the person who named it "Tofu".
SO, I made Tofu. But it's because I can't get soy beans and special ingredients like bittern from ocean here, this Tofu is made from chickpea and water.
You can enjoy almost the same taste and texture as original silk tofu from this chickpea one.
OH.-MY.-GOD.-delicious. I even cried in the kitchen when I had it this time.
Millions of memories flashed back with my grandparents at their house where I'd known since I was born and always came back to and which is now collapsed down and built a new house where some new family lives.
This chickpea tofu is simply good. It wouldn't ever disappoint you.
Please try it first with some spring onion, grated ginger, and soy sauce on.
I feel so happy to share this recipe with you and tell some people what Tofu is like who're new to know it. :D 

(成田屋丈衛門です。以前あった"スーパーテレビ"や食わず嫌い王のおめざでもよく紹介されました: こことか)
え、この固さは何? 100mくらいの高さから落としても絶対崩れなそうなくらい本気で固いの。
刻んだネギと生姜をおろし、醤油をかけていただきました。........涙 涙 涙 涙 (T_T)
美味しいよぉ〜〜〜〜〜 (T_T)


Taste of Japanese Fall: Chestnut Rice 日本の秋の味 栗ご飯

Chestnut rice is one of our most favorite Fall foods in Japan.
Ever since we were small kids our grandmas and moms would make it every year and we have inherited the recipe and its taste.
When it comes to Fall in Japan, the image we might get is tinted autumn leaves and roast sweet potatoes (roasted in faded leaves) under the trees.
Red of leaves, purple skin of sweet potatoes and yellow inside, then here comes orange of pumpkins?
Although sweet potatoes and pumpkins are actually displayed all the year at grocery stores, the reason we love to eat them this season is because they get flavorful the most.
This past Monday I found beautiful chestnuts at a grocery store and I couldn't leave there without buying them.
I haven't seen fresh chestnuts yet since I came to Germany and I'd missed it a lot.
The very first idea I thought of was, of course, chestnut rice :) I thought I'd also make mont blanc cakes but, no no. This rice comes first.
So tonight, this chestnut rice comes on our table. 



Cheese French Toasts チーズフレンチトースト

What do you like to have for weekend breakfast?
I made these cheese french toasts last weekend and it was a mega hit!
I couldn't handle it how the cheese nicely melts between warm sweet bread slices with full of vanilla scent..
Crispy out and chewy soft inside the bread. Can you imagine? When all the flavor comes out once you bite it. Oh. my. god.
This is simply a great treat to sweeten up your weekend morning and lets you cherish it.
We hardly make this kind of sweet breakfast even on weekends but I found it's good to have it sometime.
How's that?
Did I make you want to try it? You gonna try it?
Yes? You're my friend. 

是非今週末にでもお試しを(^ ^*)


Rice Salad ライスサラダ

This was my first time to meet rice salad.
When I first heard it I couldn't imagine how it looks like because, as a Japanese, my image of rice is only in warm form. I know risotto but salad?? It should be cold, right? 
But I always love to know foods I never had and gave it a try.
Wow so new and fresh.. It would make a new side dish role! Why didn't I know this?
This time I used brown rice mixing with white rice in higher proportion than white one for healthier reason.
I also love how brown rice pops (stick out) in mouth. I'm getting like the texture of it than while rice :D
You should try this rice salad with different kinds of rice and find your favorite combination.
Rice salad can be served either with grilled meat or with fish, or even this alone with soup.
The next day, I tossed steamed chicken breasts (& shredded) in it and enjoyed it for lunch after workouts! How would you eat it? :)

是非お試しを :)


Across Borders: Navigating Trials and Triumphs on the Road to Marriage

On the 23rd of March 2024, I stood beside the love of my life, surrounded by friends and family, as we exchanged vows and embarked on a new ...